Student Work

Pure Savings is an in home and on the go app that works together in tandem. It shows the user how to switch from nonrenewable habits to renewable resources in an easy and financially stable way. This program tracks the users energy usage, while suggesting other options for renewable energy, that fist their lifestyles.

This Toys R Us campaign highlights the value of Toys R Us, Inc. toys and products, while staying playful and true to their bright and colorful brand. Inspired by their dress up collection, each child is dressed as a character in a different costume. While bringing joy and a little chuckle, these goofy ads are designed to spark the imagination with the curiosity of a mad scientist and the wonder of an adventurous pirate.

With the Idaho Department of Commerce- Tourism Development, this ad campaign is designed to highlight the value of Idaho’s recreational locations, showing the great destination locations for an adventurous vacation, proving the stereotype wrong that there is more to Idaho than just potatoes. Each headline is a line to a poem that rejoices in the grandness of Idaho and the adventures awaiting to be had.

Mane Tamed is a hair care product designed around the fragrances it offers. By embracing the Natural herbal scents of the product it provides, Mane Tamed is designed to highlight the refreshing experience of a shampoo. Mane Tamed’s name was created based on a play on words. “Mane” relating to a lions mane or hair, while giving a nod to nature and “Tamed” relating to a function of the shampoo, as a relaxing hair care product designed to make hair manageable. Combining "mane” and “tamed” to create “Mane Tamed” sounding like “maintained” a victorious triumph over the everyday bedhead.

Zoo Boise’s goal is to raise awareness and admiration for their zoo and the animals that live there. This campaign is
a quest to find the animals, hidden in their natural habitats. With the intent to spark the curiosity of the viewer, each piece highlights a different animal exhibit offered at the zoo, enticing the viewer to go, explore and learn new
things about each animal.

For honey lovers, Michigan based Sleeping Bear Farms is a family-owned honey producer that manages its own apiaries. They provide the most natural raw honey and products for baking, brewing and holistic needs along with the sweetest advice. With the objective to redesign Sleeping Bear Farms brand identity and integrate its experience, messaging and visualization throughout a mixed-media brand campaign, this campaign enlightens its viewers on the advantages of the family friendly honey brand.

Real Food Cafe is a family owned establishment, loved and respected for its quality service, breakfast, and cozy restaurant aesthetic. Real Food Cafe could benefit from improvements in their design, creating a brand that better reflects what they represent. With a friendly, welcoming atmosphere and amazing breakfast, it is easy to love Real Food Cafe and they need a strong brand to represent that. The proposed redesign reflects their warm family friendly atmosphere in the color pallette and highlights the delicious food with easy to navigate menus and online presence.

Nanoarchitecture is a new species of architecture. It’s designed to think outside the box, where buildings can move and adapt to the people within them. The study of Nanoarchitecture by John M. Johansen shows the breakdown of this amazing movement. Each piece in this collection is a type study on the front matter of the book Nanoarchitecture by John M Johansen. The purpose of these typography studies are to entice the viewer into reading the front matter, while enjoying the typography and gaining a better understanding of the function of front matter. Additionally each piece is inspired constructionally by the amazing theory of nanoarchitecture.

Thesis Part One and Two kept within the theme “Movement Within Process.” Thesis Part One was based on interpretation of movement within my own process and Thesis Part Two was based on the viewer's perspective of their own process. The blank papers and markers are there to prompt them to participate in their own process, discovering what makes them move from one stage of the process to the next.